Creating Her (A Guide to An Empowered, Purpose-Driven Life)

Please join us for Creating Her: A Guide to an Empowered, Purpose-Driven Life. This is part one of a three part series! Four experts have come together to offer this exciting and oh-so-important program for all women. Come as you are, and open your mind to the possibilities, as the team of mentors engages you with experience, knowledge, support, and empowerment for your journey, whatever that journey may be. Workshop #1 has four main segments, with two guided meditations throughout the program. The topics consist of the following: an introduction to Reiki; elevating your health using essential oils; balancing your life and clearing blocks; and finding focus, clarity, and joy from discovering your purpose.
Purchase tickets for all three workshops today and save $153.00! 
Purchase Here: Creating Her
Workshop #2 and Workshop #3 topis will include: MBTI personality type identification, Chakra Balancing, Mindfullness, Business and Personal Leadership Skills. Assertive Communication, Financial Freedom, and Life Success Principles.
Please join us!!
Below is the agenda for Workshop #1
