SEF's mission is to address the internal issues that young girls and women face, before those internal flaws manifest physically in the form of self-destructive behavior that can result in HIV/AIDS infection.

Our goal is to lower the number of young women being infected by teaching strategies that build self esteem and break cycles of negative behavior.

Company Overview

SISTERS EMPOWERMENT FOUNDATION, INC., (SEF, Inc.) is a nonprofit organization founded by Crystal Berger and Tanika Rice. SEF is dedicated to raising self-esteem and reducing the number of girls and women, in the District of Columbia and Maryland infected with the HIV and AIDS virus.

Our Community Partners:

My Sisters Place (Day Shelter for Women & Children)

Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks
Tommy Polley Foundation, Inc.
For My Kidz, Incorporated [FMK]
The Mayor’s Young Women in Initiative [YWIA]
