My name is Amanda. I am a Stay At Home mom of 3 kids! I have 2 Girls and 1 Boy. 12, 8, and 5. I have always been a bargain shopper. I will hit the clearance rack before anywhere else.
A few years ago I discovered what I like to call “Super Couponing.” I used to cut coupons, and was lucky if I remembered them when I went to the store. “Oh, $0.50 isn’t going to make that big of a difference.” WRONG! I have learned that it does make a difference. It can make a huge difference! If you take the time to make A Few Short Cuts you can save tons!
I am finally coming to grips with the fact that I mom isn’t a super hero…Don’t tell my kids. It is impossible to keep up with all of the house work, be a good mom, do the shopping, cooking, pay the bills, cut the coupons, and still somehow make time for yourself and your hubby. I decided I needed A Few Short Cuts to being a better housewife. So, as I find them I am posting them for all to see.
With a little planning and A Few Short Cuts we can make our lives a little less stressful! I will try to combine grocery store sales, and what is in season to create fabulously delicious meals. Meals that not only will your family love, but that are easy to prepare. If you are lucky, I might even throw in some that you can freeze and reheat for another night! One of my daughter’s has a severe milk allergy. So, you will see a lot of dairy free recipes. My son is allergic to wheat, so you will see gluten free recipes too!
I will also help give you A Few Short Cuts at the store. I will tell you who is running the best sales. Where you can pick up freebies. And where your coupons can go the farthest. Join me while we take this ride together. Trying to find a balance in motherhood, and being a housewife.
Please feel free to email me any ideas or suggestions at !
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