Housing Families Inc.

Community Solution - Mission Statement 

Housing Families works to end family homelessness. We provide safe, temporary shelter and quality affordable housing to homeless and at-risk families. We offer individualized supportive services to enrich children's lives, nurture the potential of each family member, and help families maintain permanent housing.


In 1986, community members concerned about the crisis of homelessness among families in the Greater Boston cities of Everett, Malden, and Medford created what is now Housing Families Inc. (HFI). HFI's first shelter, the Broadway Shelter, opened in 1987, providing shelter and case management services for four families.
Since then, HFI has expanded its services to include an academic and therapeutic program for children, youth and adults, which includes after school and summer enrichment components. In addition, HFI operates a nationally recognized eviction prevention program, a housing stabilization program, and has grown into one of the largest operators of affordable housing for homeless and very low-income families in Massachusetts.
Here are a few highlights about HFI:
    • Recently, Housing Families purchased property to be renovated and turned into affordable housing units, further expanding our inventory of these much- needed resources.
    • In FY12, Housing Families served more than 250 families with a staff of 52 on a $3.4M budget. Over 2,400 families have been helped with an array of services since we first opened our doors.

Our Agency Values to Guide our Actions

Respect – We treat people with dignity.
  • We recognize each individual has unique abilities and value. 
  • We believe our differences are a source of strength and work to embrace these differences. 
  • We provide individualized, fair, empathic and non-judgmental support to both staff and the families we serve.
  • We recognize the importance of confidentiality.
Caring – We show compassion and act thoughtfully.
  • Our curiosity leads us to listen and engage so that we can understand others.
  • We are mindful of how our words, tone of voice, body language, and actions affect others.
  • We believe that we are able to give our best to others if we take care of ourselves.
  • We have pride in Housing Families' history and reputation, and are mindful of how our actions impact the organization.

Integrity – We adhere to high standards.
  • We aim to be fair and consistent in our methods, measures, and expectations.
  • We address difficult situations with thoughtfulness and direct communication.
  • We hold ourselves and others accountable.
  • We believe that our success is based on the quality of our work.
  • We hold the work we do and the space we share with high regard.

Growth – We foster innovation and continuous development.
  • We seek knowledge and best practices to strategically expand and enhance our services, programs, and affordable housing units.
  • We encourage self reflection seeking to understand our actions, reactions, strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • We learn from our mistakes.

 Team Work – We collaborate and celebrate.
  • We believe teamwork is the foundation of an effective and successful environment in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
  • We respect the energy and effort it takes families, staff, board, volunteers, and donors to accomplish goals.
  • We outwardly express our appreciation and gratitude to others.
  • All departments have an equal contribution to the agency, thus, we strive to understand the roles of others.
  • We praise personal and organizational achievements.
