Friends of Ebonie
…is a full service social responsibility and career enrichment firm for millennials of color. What does this mean exactly? It means we are in the business of providing resources, access and tools for the long-term success of the civic and professional careers of young professionals of color.
Who are millennials?
Millennials are defined as individuals born between 1982- 1994. They are the generation of limitless possibilities! The most liberal, independent, free-spirited and altruistic generation by far, there’s still lots to uncover about who this generation really is- and who they will become.
Why millennials of color?
Because they rock! They are the dream Martin died for. The opportunity Shirley spoke of. And the hope President Obama told them they could be. Millennials involved in community work are equipped with the hearts and desires to make a difference; they just often times need the networks and resources not made readily available to them. We want to be that resource!
What do we do?
We cater to our millennial audience by educating and motivating in the areas of philanthropy (time and money), community involvement, board governance and career development. We engage our audience through: thought leadership blogging | online trainings (webinars)| online resources | e-newsletters | social media | community partnerships | career enrichment services
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