
Journey Girl offers creative, engaging, uniquely designed workshops, trainings, presentations and consultations for girls and women seeking to live a better life. If you're new to this page, please click the "Like" button, and "share" us w/friends!
Company Overview
Are you a part of a group of girls or women who need encouragement, emPOWERment, entertainment or sucessful life skills development strategies? Engage in the 'Journey Girl Experience'! Journey Girl offers creative, engaging, uniquely designed workshops, trainings, presentations and consultations for girls and women seeking to live a better life. These sessions are mobile, and provided onsite or virtually worldwide. We are Experts at being female. We share personal experience, childhood and adulthood lessons, passion for the best and success.

Visit or Call: 770.744.GIRL [4475] for more information TODAY!
Our enriching life-skills and self-emPOWERment sessions and programs/services offer a strategic curriculum designed to build a strong foundation in life skills, soft-skills and self-emPOWERment development. This approach encourages independence, self-motivation, enhanced decision-making skills and an increase in self-respect and self-esteem.

Please call 770.744.GIRL [4475] or simply copy & paste the link) to fill out our online form to schedule a session for your group or to find out more about our life-changing products and services.
