Worcester's Black Legacy

Worcester's Black Legacy is a community coalition working on making the city of Worcester a place where we can feel safe, welcome, and where there is equal opportunity for us to develop and grow. By talking with our community and reviewing research, we found that our Black community does not have equal access to the health promoting aspect of our city. We were not surprised to learn that, as a result, the Black community is experiencing increased illness and death in comparison to larger community in many areas.
Further research brought us to the understanding that the keys to overall community health is increased education and employment.   We have decided to focus our work on building the educational attainment of Black children which will allow them to have higher paying, safer, and more secure employment – leading to better overall health.(watch Unnatural Causes) and Race: Power of an Illusion. 


Black Legacy believes that we are able to improve the academic success of children by increasing the accountability of our parents and our school systems.  Below is how we identify accountability.  Click on the links to learn more about how you can become involved.

We hold ourselves accountable by assuring we:

Know how effective the schools are
Know what the best practices are for effective quality education
Support one another in advocating for equal access to quality education
Showing up to meetings or submitting comments to contribute to the design of the school system
Vote in an informed way for School Committee and City Council and support those that represent the concerns of our families

We hold the school systems accountable by assuring they:

Are implementing evidence based practices for effective teaching to ALL students
Have a strategic plan for the delivery of effective quality education to ALL students
Are evaluating the efficacy of their efforts and making necessary changes to reach the goals
Distribute resources to support the delivery of effective quality education for ALL students
