Grounded in the Gospel and in the culture of life of the Catholic Church, Visitation House is a home that welcomes women with crisis pregnancies in the spirit of Elizabeth, who welcomed her cousin the Virgin Mary with awe-filled joy and true hospitality of heart. In this spirit, Visitation House provides material, emotional, and spiritual assistance to these women, as well as the peace of living in a Christian home.
By providing housing and basic living needs at no cost, we seek to address the needs of pregnant women who want to choose life but feel that they have no real means or resources to do so. A woman who comes to Visitation House will learn how to access the services that are available to her and will take part in a basic life skills training course. Visitation House draws its mission and its strength from the Gospel of Life; therefore a woman who comes to stay with us will learn about Catholic teachings on human life and the greater good to which these teachings call us. Additionally, she will have opportunities to be involved in the prayer life of the house while being encouraged to nurture her own prayer life for her benefit and that of her baby. Thus she will be able to come to a greater understanding of her own dignity, while living in a community that welcomes and nurtures life. | |
| Recognizing that women are in a special way called to preserve and nurture authentic human culture through their life-giving capacities, both physical and emotional, Visitation House will seek to foster and promote the culture of life. |
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