Education2success' mission is to further the education of students from needy families by providing necessary school supplies to help them succeed in school.
Education2success' number one goal is making sure that students are prepared for the class room.

Michelle Oliva, 22 years of age, started Education2success in Dec.2010.  Throughout her working years, Michelle has work with children with Autism, Teens with behavioral programs, adults with mental health issues and drug addiction. She started this program because growing up; she noticed that education and what was offered at schools were very different living in low income neighborhoods vs. living in a higher class area. Along with a little help, Michelle researched various schools and noticed not all of them were providing computers and school supplies for students in need so she decided to start a program that does just that.


Education2success, a project of United Charitable Programs, is committed to helping students and community centers/schools in low income cities of MA.Education2success will provide supplies to students in need with basic things that will help them succeed in the classroom. To many families buying supplies as in pens, pencils, books, and computers are mandatory and are done without any second guessing. To other families, putting food on the table and paying their bills are first on the agenda and that leaves no funding for children to have new backpacks, pencils, calculators for math, or markers and paint for art class. BEING PREPARED is Education2success' number one goal! Giving a student a chance from beginning to end starting with having what they need for class is key. It builds children's confidence on the first day and it also keeps them positive and motivated knowing that they are organized and are ready for what is expected of them.
Education2success is a hands-on program. If possible, we try and meet with every student/family we provide services to. We like to work with each student/family and try to met that students individual needs for the first day of school. Education2success contacts every student/family annually to get an update on the students process, if requested.
Please keep in mind that all supplies are donated and are given out on a first come first serve basis all year. We donate to children in elementary through high school and starting now we donate to ANY child living a low income city (please read our terms and conditions page to find out if your city is eligible).
Education2success not only offers school supplies to community centers and schools, our program offers to go into that facility and present workshops to children for little to no fee. We offer workshops that include public speaking, performing arts, sports, communication, social interactions, and dealing with peer pressure. (Please contact Education2success via email to lean about the workshops that are being offered).
